Any business located within the Town of Turbeville or performing work within the town limits is required to obtain a business license each year. Business licenses may be obtained at the Turbeville Town Hall located at 1400 Main Street weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. In 2021, licenses were valid from July 1st through June 30th, however; in 2022 the standard license year changed in accordance with a new requirement by the SC General Assembly. The license year will change so that all business licenses will be due by April 30th annually with penalties imposed after May 1st.
This year (2024) a 5% per month penalty is assessed for any license not renewed by April 30th.
The Licensing Official reviews all applications and must approve them before issuance. Physical businesses located in the town limits must meet all criteria for building, zoning, fire, and safety codes as inspected by the code enforcement officer. Contractors operating within the town limits are required to provide a copy of their SC State Contractors or Home Builders license prior to applying for a business license.
For business license renewals, the license fee is based on gross income on the preceding calendar or fiscal year. For new businesses, the license fee is based on a 12-month projected income. Rates are tiered based on the type of business. There is a base rate on the first $2,000 of gross income, then an amount for each $1,000 in excess of $2,000.
The attached business license application should be submitted in person, via mail, or online.
Please contact Town Clerk Kaitlin Alexander at 843-659-2781 with any questions.
(843) 659-2781
(843) 659-2782
P.O. Box 70
Turbeville, SC 29162